Hey there!

Im Robbie, a software developer who recently relocated from St. Petersburg, Fl to Nashville, Tn. I love meeting new people, playing music, skateboarding, biking, my kitty, and getting outside!

Want to know more?

Originally from Fort Myers, Fl, I moved up to St. Pete, Fl after graduating with a Software Engineering degree from Florida Gulf Coast University in 2020, and then headed to Nasvhille, Tn in May 2023! Now I spend most of my days writing code, playing guitar, and pursuing my hobbies in my free time.

Meet my kitty, Beeps! :)

What do I know?

Im a full-stack software engineer experienced in all stages of development - from concept to product deployment. My every-day stack includes Typescript, Next.js, NX Monorepo, SASS, AWS, Vercel, React.js, and Go. I also have experience using Kontent.ai CMS, Algolia Search, MongoDB, Sanity Studio, Okta SSO, Prisma, Google Analytics, Tag Manager, GA4, and some other 3rd party services.

Want to keep in touch?

Meeting new people is exciting. Feel free to send me an email at rklawrencedev@gmail.com and ill be sure to get back to ya!